Hiding In Plain Sight is a group show curated by Eva Wilkinson and Mustafa Boga in November 2016, London. Inspired by our encounter with the site where the exhibition takes place, described as both gallery space and ‘dungeon’, we have curated works from 12 artists through which we aim to explore what lies beyond the façade. In ‘finding’ there is a new arrival, discovery and realisation. We observe how the strange quickly becomes familiar and the familiar become awkward and uncomfortable. By exposing personal human experience and behaviour we begin to accept our own existence in order to examine the universal feelings we may share.
Featuring Work by:
Rolina Blok : http://www.rolinablok.com/
Irini Folerou: http://www.irinifolerou.com/
John V. Aranda : http://johnaranda.squarespace.com/
Eva Wilkinson: http://evawilkinson.co.uk/
Will Thorburn: http://willthorburn.com/
Metra Saberova: http://metrasaberova.wixsite.com/metrasaberova
Alessandra Falbo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/alessandra_falbo/
Mustafa Boga : http://www.mustafaboga.com/
Jack Marder: http://www.jackmarder.com/
Roshanak Khakban: http://www.roshanak-khakban.com/
Jorge Martin: https://www.facebook.com/jorge.martin.710667?fref=ts