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#276331054 - Story Provided If Wanted


Year: 2017

Medium: Installation, Performance, Video, Reykjavik, Iceland

Video Duration: 2'00''


#276331054 - Story Provided If Wanted is an action within a bigger concept titled ‘The Fourth Culture - A Micro Nation’ The action discusses mental and physical border, questioning their existence and reach within our lives on a contemporary spectrum. With an attempt at dismantling of these boarders through the mind of the public, they propose a circumstance where the public is confronted with a situation that contradicts societies collective view on gender, sexuality, cultural backgrounds and nationality. And in fact decolonizes previously learned behaviour. 


The two artists Mustafa BoÄŸa from Turkey and Kolbrún Inga Söring from Iceland come from very different upbringings, however their visual language and theoretical interest interweave like a thick beautiful braid - Smooth, intense and layered. Together they become ‘The fourth culture - A Micro Nation’; a container for a critical view on society, through it they practice intense critical self reflection, using their opposite experiences, challenging the public’s perception and asking them to perform a mental and physical reading of the information presented to them. To initiate a dialogue that plants a seed in the publics mind which then can continue growing further in the mind of another. 


The exhibition took please in Listastofan Gallery after recieving their annual scholorship. 

An extract from the publication


I draw a line on paper. A territory is immediately marked. The territory represents two sides of the paper, the one side of the line, and the other. It is a distinction between sometimes the left from the right, and other times the right from the left. The page is blank and so, turning it sideways or upside down brings no further discoveries, other than the fact that the page is now divided. Every line I add, new territories are marked and more communities rise as a consequence. Suddenly, through cityscapes we become. Where culture and habit leads our individuality into commonality.  Addicted. Unable to see ourselves from outsider perspectives we disappear into our own pity, which is much more glamorous than so many others.


Click HERE for full version of the publication.

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